Just a really quick post this weekend because we have the exciting WWPD4Vets event coming up on Sunday. For more information about this global event, please check out these websites:

http://vets.wwpd.net/ - The main WWPD4Vets site. Find a local event near you or run your own. If you are unable to participate, please donate to the WWPD4Vets charities using the site above.

http://www.wwpd.net/2013/03/wwpd4vets-prep-battlefield-contest.html - More detailed information about the even can be found on the WWPD main site.

http://forum.wwpd.net/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6132 - Check out the WWPD forum for details on how to donate and get involved.

http://forum.wwpd.net/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6525 - Check out the eBay listings that are 100% donation, and more!

http://www.ebay.com/itm/WWPD4VETS-FOW-Painted-Oddball-2012-Tournament-Objective-100-to-charity-/151017124647? - Finally, don't miss your chance to own a genuine Flames Of War artifact! This Oddball objective was sculpted and painted by none other than James Brown of the Battlefront Studio (not the godfather of soul, sorry!).

Anyway, I sincerely hope you get a chance to attend or host an event. In any case, please donate to the WWPD4Vet charities because they are truly important organizations to support.

Thanks for reading,
